Step 2: #
After dropping the selected area it will automatically take you to the content tab. In the content tab you will find options to edit buttons. You can select type(info, success, danger, warning), text color, alignment, icon size(small, medium, large, extra large), change the icon, icon position(before or after) the text, space between icon and letter
Step 3: #
In the style tab you get the options to design your buttons. In the button you can give typography, text shadow, hover effect and animation.You can change the text color, text background color, border type (dotted, dashed, groove, solid), border width and color, box shadow, and padding.
Step 4: #
In the Advanced tab you can add the margin, padding, Z-Index, CSS (Id, Class) motion effects(fade in, fade in down, fade in left, fade in right, fade in up), Background, Border, Responsive and others.
In the Border tab you can edit the border of your button in two modes(Normal, Hover). In both modes you will get the different types of border options(Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, Groove) and you can give the border radius, box shadow(horizontal, vertical, blur, spread and the position(inline and outline)). You can also add custom positioning, responsive and custom css.