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[UPDATE] Compatible with PrestaShop 8
[FIX] Database issue fix
[FIX] Youtube video fix for video addon
[FIX] Layout issue fixed for cms pages
[FIX] Main Menu addon fixed.
[FIX] Body classed in index page issue fix
[FIX] Activated crazy fix for extended addons
[FIX] Text editor in addons new line issue fixed.
[FIX] Update jQuery UI
[FIX] Delete unnecessary files
[MAJOR FEATURE] Users can select which assets will be loaded.
[FIX] Layout selected issue fixed for css pages.
[FIX] Exit to dashboard issue fixed.
[FIX] Homepage layout shop wise backward compatibility add
[FIX] Number of products in random query in product related addons
[MAJOR FEATURE] Custom hook add for content anywhere
[MAJOR FIX] Add multiple custom category for theme developer and extension developers.
[FEATURE] Compatible PrestaShop 1.7.8
[FEATURE] Lazy loading for images as per PrestaShop 1.7.8
[UPDATE] Asset loading on specific pages
[UPDATE] Content anywhere import button for theme developers
[UPDATE] Template download check
[UPDATE] Icons added for layout builder related add-ons
[FIX] Default layout issue
[MAJOR FEATURE] Added layout types. Can use
on homepage, landing page and cms pages.
[FIX] Autocomplete for addons
[FIX] Image slider issue
[FIX] Font issue
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Free version for Crazy elements PrestaShop Page Builder Released
[MAJOR FEATURE] Added Product Layout Builder. Now users can edit product single page layout with Crazy elements PrestaShop Page Builder.
[MAJOR FEATURE] Can edit single page layout for all products or specific products or specific categories
[FEATURE] Category carousal add-on
[FEATURE] Added displayFooterCategory hook to show content on footer category
[UPDATE] Can add up to six columns in product layout
[UPDATE] Discount percentage amount switcher in product add-on
[FIX] Css Js and images file path
[FEATURE] Extend third party modules to edit their content with Crazy Elements Page Builder
[UPDATE] Content Anywhere export import free for theme developers extended license
[FIX] Category layout
[FIX] Main menu conflict
[FIX] Supplier add-on variable
[FIX] Text editor issue
[FIX] Icon fix for image carousal
[FEATURE] Compatible with Warehouse – Responsive PrestaShop 1.7 Theme.
[UPDATE] Product add-on new layouts added
[UPDATE] Menu CSS loading optimized
[UPDATE] displayTopColumn hook added to the list
[FIX] Icon css
[FIX] Menu css
[FIX] Fontawesome css load
[FIX] PrestaShop editor issue
[FIX] Slider Revolution 6 add-on issue
[FEATURE] Add Slider Revolution 6 add-on to show slider anywhere you want
[FEATURE] Main menu and Animated text add-on
[FIX] Css loading fix
[FIX] Base url issue
[FIX[ Hotspot and Call to Action css fix
Brand New Version of The Best Elementor Based PrestaShop Page Builder