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Countdown widget accommodates you to show a special offer time limit. When you want to give an offer for a fixed time for the fixed product, you will give that specific time limit using the countdown widget

Step 1:

Select the countdown widget from the crazy elements(page builder) from the left side of the menu bar from your screen then drag and drop it in the selected area

Step 2:

After dropping the selected area it will automatically take you to the content tab. In the content tab you can search the products by name, 

Step 3:

In the style tab you get the options to design your Countdown. In the content tab you can show the level,and also the counter, label, completed typography that will give you the option to change letter size, weight, transform, decoration, letter spacing and line height.

After completing the  above section, the color tab will give you to change the color of days, hours, minutes and the label.

Step 4:

In the Advanced tab you can add the margin, padding, Z-Index, CSS (Id, Class) motion effects, Background, Border, Responsive and others.

After left clicking on the background you will get two tabs Normal and Hoover. Here you can edit your countdown in two ways: classic or gradient. In both ways you can add background image, color, position, attachment, type(linear, radial) angle and location.

In the Border tab you can edit the border of your countdown in two modes(Normal, Hover). In both modes you will get the different types of border options(Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, Groove) and you can give the border radius, box shadow(horizontal, vertical, blur, spread and the position(inline and outline)). You can also add custom positioning, responsive and custom css.

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