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12 Tips to sell faster with Prestashop

In this blog post, we are going to give you a series of tips to sell faster with PrestaShop. Once you have installed the online store with PrestaShop, you can get to work to prepare the online store and sell in the shortest possible time.

You are the first that once the trade is ready, you want to move the physical inventory to attract customers as quickly as possible, since time, ultimately, is money.

Tips to sell faster with Prestashop

# 1 Make changes to the web in maintenance mode

This is a recommendation tips to sell faster with PrestaShop that we are going to give you when you are going to make a large number of changes within the online store, such as choosing options within the Prestashop theme that you have installed, change the appearance of the same theme (more at an advanced level), or go to change transportation issues, returns, discounts, etc.

And there is no worse thing than, for a client who is browsing your website, transport disappears because you have changed the shipping costs, lose the design because the style sheet that you are touching has been broken, do not see the page web in the same way as when it entered 2 minutes ago or that, suddenly, everything starts to work in a strange way because you are touching things from behind in the administrator. We recommend that you always notify your customers, or when you are going to make a styling change inside the physical store, do not notify that you are painting it, etc.

For that case, you will be much better if from minute zero you activate the maintenance mode on the web and indicate to the client that right now you are touching things that will greatly improve their user experience, that will make their life much easier when it comes to buying your product and that in a moment everything will be fixed.

# 2 Choose a careful design that allows you to sell on all devices

At this second point we are going to give you a super important recommendation and that tips to sell faster with PrestaShop, everything that enters our eyes we have to like. Another thing is that, in addition, you want your website to be accessible (which we highly recommend) and you have to make a good balance between design and web accessibility. But, ultimately, the image of the store is your own image. What customers see will be the feelings you give them: is it a warm and welcoming page? Is it a website that looks robust? To do that depend on your brand image, which must go hand in hand.

If it is a fluid page, the customer will feel comfortable buying, if everything is well distributed, he will not be lost at any time; and all this, also working on your mobile, tablet, etc. It is proven that more than 50% of visualizations are made on smart displays, and that suggests that they will not only buy from your PC, but also from your mobile.

It is very important that functionality, quality and adaptability go hand in hand tips to sell faster with PrestaShop.

Tips to sell faster with Prestashop

# 3 Organize the product catalog well

This is one of the fundamental pillars of good online sales: your product catalog. Having a good organization in the product categories and correctly defining the typologies of all of them is extremely important.

We do not recommend that you have 30 categories of 10 products each, nor do we recommend that you have 3 categories with 100 products each: you have to do good management and have a clear tree structure so that each element is in its correct, logical and niche. easily locatable. First of all, we must prevent the client from getting lost on your website.

Remember that products can be grouped together, for example, their sizes. In this way, you will not be overwhelmed with 30 different products that differ in one aspect: pull the combinations by hand.

# 4 Offer more information, never less

We also recommend that the products are described in the best possible way and that they include keywords so that search engines find you (later we will talk about Google).

Not all content in one line of text, nor writing 3000-word texts. You must be clear and concise: the text should clear up any doubts in order to buy it. Make sure it describes what you are selling and whether to include any features such as measurements, etc … add them. Get to the point.

# 5 Correctly define all static pages (policies included)

This is another important aspect that you should be clear about: the entire legal aspect has to be tied and well tied.

Your general conditions of sale, return policy, etc. are those that will define the rules of your store. Leaving a loophole can lead to misunderstandings with customers who, for some trifle, stop buying from you and then talk badly about you.

You must include a checkbox in which the customer specifies that they agree with what they are buying and how they are buying it, based on the current conditions of the store.

# 6 Get the most out of your form

Define your contact form also for those customers who want to ask you something very particular about your products or leave you a suggestion. The communication channels must be visible, clear and that the user with doubts does not get lost or frustrated.

# 7 Offer a simple checkout page

Make your payment page clear, that the customer does not get lost when filling in the fields: that he does not have to paste many laps to fill the cart and pay. This can be frustrating and cause them to abandon the purchase leaving a lost cart.

# 8 Humanize your company

We also recommend that you define a company page or who we are. Many do not know you and it does not hurt to “greet” the future buyer to give him that feeling of closeness. Putting on a face is going to advance you a lot of work.

Tips to sell faster with Prestashop

# 9 Choose your payment methods, carriers, and shipping zones wisely

You must correctly define who your target is and where it is: wanting to sell all over the world because it is not just anything, it requires a lot of effort and a lot of logistics to make it happen.

the carriers: you should look at the different delivery companies (if you do not have your own logistics center) the best conditions for shipping, returns, etc.

Finally we have the payment methods. This is one of the most important sections since, depending on the different payment methods that you provide on your website, users will find payment easier. You should know that each payment method has a different commission and the same does not all suit you since it will depend on your room for maneuver or what you are willing to pay to have a payment method on your website. You have to bear in mind that the more payment methods, the more facilities you give the customer for the purchase.

Tips to sell faster with Prestashop

# 10 Reviews, comments, and suggestion chat

Another aspect that can make a potential customer buy or not from your online store is if you use a review and comment system.

Checking what others think, or seeing an official online seal about purchase confidence, helps a lot so that your future customer thinks about leaving the money in your cart, and not in your competition’s.

Someone saying “this product arrived as they say” or “great, it works perfectly”, clears up many doubts and helps them to press that much-awaited “buy” button.

This requires being on top too because if there are customers who have doubts at that time and pull the contact chat, it is necessary that someone be there during your opening hours: have it so that it is always in the “send an email and we will attend, “he makes you pull to back.
If you help your client to decide to buy better, but this does not have a magic formula of “do it on your own computer”: it requires perseverance and perseverance.

# 11 Optimize the loading speed of your online store: more speed, less abandoned carts.

It is proven that an online quick, shop attracts more than a slow, besides many customers if they see a “not working” website because it takes a lot, directly close the browser and go to Google and look for your competition.

And we do not say this because yes, Amazon is tired of publishing it: for them, it takes millions of dollars to lose tenths of a second to load the content of their home.
There are different methods, such as optimizing the size of the images so that they do not weigh much, or not filling the page with content so that it takes longer to load: you have to find the perfect balance between functionality and speed (remember the example of 30 categories out of 10 products previously exposed).
Tips to sell faster with Prestashop

# 12 Support yourself with SEO and SEM campaigns

And finally, make yourself known in the online world. Like you, there are many online stores and, in order for them to know that you exist, you have to use the appropriate means to do so.
For example, conducting SEO campaigns will help you improve your positioning in the SERPs, and it will be easier for people who search for your products to find you among the top positions in Google. At first, it will be a bit difficult because SEO is organic and, as Google sees that you do the job of maintaining your website well (of your online store and your products, the labels and needs of the Google search engine, etc. .), it will climb you little by little. It is a task of months, not days, and must be constant. Google is constantly improving and you have to constantly adapt.

SEM campaigns will be the fuel for your business. These paid campaigns are different methods that will make you get customers in a more “commercial” way, for example in the case of Google Ads it will make you appear in the first search positions reserved for this purpose, but having to pay for it to work.

Otro aspect to consider is your presence in social networks, that is to say, communicate to the different communities that exist online and join them. Be careful, you must also be in constant maintenance: having the audience happy forces you to be active on social networks. Therefore, we recommend that you include yourself in those where you handle yourself better, and in this way you can maintain them successfully.

And with these tips, you would have your online store ready to speed up your customers’ purchasing decisions! Remember: must be constant and adapt the online store to the needs that arise, both yours and the customers.
You will see, By tips to sell faster with PrestaShop, that in the end, you will be reaping fruits for so much effort.

Read More: How To Speed Up Prestashop Website

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