
Smart Blog Addons

Smartblog Add-ons are powerful modules that adds some extra functionality to your stores and blog.


Smartblog Facebook Comments

Integrate Facebook commenting in your posts to attract more customers to your website.


Smartblog Latest Comments

Activeness is a must for a great community. Latest comments on your blog posts proves that.


Smartblog RSS feed

To rank your site on top of Google SEO you need RSS feed. This module is the here to do so.


Smartblog Recent Posts

Your users may want to see the most recent posts on your site. Use this module to do so.


Smartblog Search

Searching is a must for any website. Use SmartBlog search module to search through you posts.


Smartblog Tag

To rank on SEO tags are must. This module shows tags of your posts on sidebar.


Smartblog Categories

Show your blog categories on the sidebar and navigate via multiple categories with this module.


Smartblog Archive

Show your archives on the sidebar of the posts. Monthly, yearly and so on.


Smartblog Disqus

Disqus is a great platform for discussion. With this module you can integrate SmartBlog with Disqus.


Smartblog Related Posts

Posts are related to each other. With this module related posts are shown under the single post page.


Smartblog Add This Button

Users will be able to share your blog posts to their social media account with this module.


Smartblog Popular Posts

Show your most popular posts with the help of this module on your site.


Smartblog Home Latest News

Show your latest post on the Homepage of your eCommerce website & let your visitors know more.


Smartblog Related Products

Related Product module allows you to connect your products to posts. It will help to boost up your sales.

Get all addons as a
bundle and save 50%!

All Free = $0
All Free + All Premium Addons
Disqus Addons = $4.00
Related Posts Addons = $5.00
Add This Button Addons = $4.00
Popular Posts Addons = $4.00
Home Latest News Addons = $9.00
Related Product Addons = $7.00
Smart Blog Categories = $4.00
Smart Blog Archive = $3.00
TOTAL = $40.00
TOTAL = $19.00