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Modules to clean PrestaShop from garbage

Prestashop has become on its own merits one of the most used e-commerce applications at the moment, but sometimes it has a series of errors that are difficult to correct, one of them is the large amount of garbage that is added to the database data, today we tell you those little tricks to clean Prestashop of all those unnecessary data that make the system go slower and slower.

Prestashop has become on its own merits one of the most used e-commerce applications at the moment, but sometimes it has a series of bugs that are difficult to correct, one of them is the large amount of garbage that is added to the database data, today we tell you those little tricks to clean Prestashop of all those unnecessary data that make the system go slower and slower.

First of all, it is VERY RECOMMENDED to make a backup copy of our database if we are going to use any of these modules, since these modules delete information from the database, so if a problem occurs and we do not do it, there will be no way to retrieve the information.

Prestashop Cleaner

By default prestashop includes this module as standard , which allows you to delete almost all the information that is entered manually in the system and data that is added to the database , the good thing about this module is that it allows you to do it in parts, deleting information from the catalog and deleting the information of all orders, customers, carts, orders, connections, guests, messages, statistics ..
Then there are two more options that partially clean the database, such as carts and little else.
This module can be found in Prestashop, putting in the module search “Prestashop Cleaner”.

  • Delete products and orders.
  • Clears general connection data.
  • Delete partial data.
  • Manual process.

In principle we use this module, before launching a store to delete all orders and test products, since the customer who receives the store generally prefers that we deliver it clean and that he is the one who starts generating the content.

Prestashop cleaner and optimizer

You have another option that we have developed and we use it several times a year, it depends on the traffic the store has, the module is the Prestashop Optimizer and Cleaner.

What this module does is clean from the database all the visitor connections that are being saved, all the lost carts, expired discount coupons, user navigation data, all these occupy hundreds of megabytes in the database. , megabytes for which your hosting provider charges you and megabytes that makes Prestashop go slower because it is full of garbage.

Furthermore, the module optimizes and defragments all the tables in case they have errors and are damaged to fix them.
If you have a database with few products and your database occupies more than 100 megabytes, it is more than likely that you need this module, it will easily go down to almost half, if you are interested in this module you can get it in our module store for Prestashop .

  • Clear connection data.
  • Delete obsolete data from the system.
  • Optimize, repair the database.
  • Reduces the weight of the database.
  • Manual process.
  • Allows you to individually select the information to delete.

Abandoned cart cleaner

You also have another module in the official Addons that what it does is clean the abandoned carts, it is much simpler than the previous one but it will also free you from a bit of garbage, the good thing about this module is that it allows you to put an automatic cron task in the server and the module will do the rest, the problem is that we will not be able to control when to execute it, when data is deleted it is best to do it manually.

  • Delete cart data.
  • It has an automatic mode system.

I hope these modules will help you to make your store cleaner than a whistle ?

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