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Link Your PrestaShop eCommerce Site With SAP Or Another ERP

Link Your PrestaShop eCommerce Site With SAP Or Another ERP

Managing your business and having a global vision of the activity of your Prestashop store are daily challenges. Today, e-merchants have a systematic need to be connected to their information system. Order volumes require them to have a reliable and efficient interconnection with their PrestaShop e-commerce solution.

Linking your PrestaShop store with SAP or another ERP can be very useful for managing all operational processes of the company. This connection ensures you a saving of time and productivity, a unified stock in the real-time, improvement of the speed of the processing of the orders and the production… and the list of advantages which are to be discovered in this article is still long!

An ERP, What Is It?

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or ERP (Integrated Management Software Package in French) is defined as a management software allowing to control the various  operational processes of a company by integrating several functions. Perceived as the “backbone” of the company, an ERP software solution covers and integrates several essential functionalities for the company. Here is a non-exhaustive list of functions supported by an ERP:

  • Human resources management
  • Sales management
  • Management of e-commerce activity
  • Stock management
  • Etc …

Having an ERP makes it possible to centralize company data  . Process
optimization, reduction of data management time and costs, an up-to-date real-time database, etc. are the performance promises given by these management software packages. Thus, they ensure real time savings and profitability.

SAP, World Leader In ERP Software Solution

There are a multitude of ERP software solutions. However, the best known of all remains SAP (Systems, Applications and Products for data processing). A world leader and a solution highly valued by large companies, SAP makes it possible to centralize and interconnect all of the company’s functions . The main modules of the German giant’s ERP solution are grouped into three distinct departments : logistics, accounting and human resources.

Examples of modules specific to the “Logistics” function :

  • The MM (Material Management) module to manage purchases and stocks
  • The PP (Production Planning) module to manage production

Examples of modules specific to the “Accounting” function :

  • The CO (Controlling) module for management control
  • The PS (Project Systems) module dedicated to project management

An example of a module specific to the  “Human Resources” function :

  • The HR (Human Resource) module linked to the PA module dedicated to personnel data and the PD module for managing team skills.

Investing in SAP is a real cost . This is the reason why this software is rather intended and designed for large companies with an international dimension .

Link Your eCommerce Solution To Your ERP: The Advantages

Automation of Product & Order Management

Linking your e-commerce solution to your ERP facilitates order processing (note that improving the speed of order processing is only one example of an advantage among many others because the prospects for optimization are many ). It is possible to replace the invoicing specific to the e-commerce site by that of the ERP. Indeed, the management software will generate invoices which will be directly imported into your PrestaShop . You thus avoid having two separate invoicing systems : that of the ERP and that of PrestaShop. In addition, the product catalog data is centralized, consolidated and harmonized.as the Akeneo PIM solution also allows .

Dissociation Of Tools In The Event Of An Update

If one of the solutions performs an important update, the others are not affected . Only flow management will be affected. Even though the two interfaces are linked, they are not interdependent.

Information Security

The customer information collected is a central element that forms the basis of your work as a merchant . So, when your ERP is not linked to your online store, your risk of data entry errors or information loss increases considerably. By connecting the two interfaces, information communicates with each other automatically and is updated. This is the case with stocks, for example. Indeed, the ERP allows to have a better global view of stocks in real time.

Agency Notes: Distributing products to marketplaces such as Amazon requires regular stock update , ideally several times a day. This synchronization is essential and capital to avoid situations where orders cannot be assured.

It is quite possible to synchronize an e-commerce site with Amazon so that stocks are continuously updated in real time .

This link also facilitates any type of modification : price, promotion or stocks. It is therefore easier to manage your data and avoid errors in certain situations.

Agency notes: “ Price, promotion, stocks” data is data that moves quickly . Conversely, there is also data that does not undergo as many changes such as product names, descriptions etc … Thus, to ensure the full management of your data , using a PIM solution allows you to concentrate on the management of this quasi-static data.

Time Saving And Customer Focus

Linking the two interfaces saves time and improves productivity . In fact, by centralizing information, your teams will no longer have to copy / paste information in several places, make multiple entries or  constantly check the data entered. They will be able to focus more on the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers, the heart of your business. Thus, this connection frees up time for your teams (sometimes going as far as freeing up the entire schedule of a person  who was previously in charge of his tasks). The association of the two platforms promotes the reallocation of resources and optimizes them.

The workflow automation also allows you to avoid personally the execution of tedious tasks and you can focus on important tasks such as renegotiate your contracts, calculation of the profitability of your transport costs or the price of returns from your products.

Agency Notes: Your teams will be able to spend more time analyzing statistics, optimizing strategies, reviewing your objectives if necessary. In short, your business will be  much more customer-centric and their needs.

Why Trust Us For This Approach?

PrestaShop is a content management system (CMS) for creating e-commerce sites. A digital solution acclaimed by more than 270,000 stores in 2017, PrestaShop remains the leader in the open-source market .

YATEO is a PrestaShop Partner Platinum certified agency , a guarantee of quality and of our expertise in the development of sites under PrestaShop. The “PrestaShop Partner Platinum” badge issued by PrestaShop is the highest in the partner hierarchy . This status positions us as one of the most competent agencies in mastering this e-commerce solution. With more than 100 e-commerce projects to our credit, we have all the pre-requisites and skills necessary to support you in linking your PrestaShop e-commerce solution to SAP or other ERP.

There are a multitude of possibilities to link your PrestaShop platform to your ERP like SAP. This link may for example concern the following points:

  • Order management
  • Product and inventory management
  • Managing customers and their addresses
  • Managing customer groups
  • Etc… and the list goes on and on!

In short, it is quite possible to adapt this connection according to your needs, your activity and your expectations.

If you feel the need to link your PrestaShop e-commerce solution to your ERP, do not hesitate to contact us on  00—— or via the contact form available here.

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